Dear all Shareholders,
As the world has faced a severe COVID-19 pandemic situation in the past 2 years, which has had a wide impact, affecting all industries to slow down considerably, many business sectors have been severely affected. Qualitech Public Company Limited was also affected due to inability to provide services to customers, as a result, the company had encountered an unprecedented drop in turnover.
In the past year 2022, the overview of the situation of COVID-19 in Thailand can be better controlled, and most people have been vaccinated. Various industry sectors can resume business as usual, in which, the company is able to return to work for customers according to the specified plan resulting in the company’s performance which is much better compared to 2021 with total revenue of 455.37 million baht and net profit of 17.86 million baht.
In terms of organizational development, the company has focused on education and research on technology, new service tools that will help the company to meet the needs of customers and increase work efficiency even more, along with developing personnel to have a variety of knowledge and skills to support future service work. In addition, in investing in other businesses besides the engineering testing and inspection industry, the company has acquired ordinary shares of Property Aim Solutions Co., Ltd., which operates in all aspects of work management in real estate to increase business diversity.
In 2023, the company aims to grow by 10-20% from 2022 by implementing marketing strategies to increase sales and profits of the company and its subsidiaries with an emphasis on providing quality and comprehensive services together with the study of investment in new businesses that has the potential to grow to increase competitiveness.
Finally, on behalf of the Board of Directors, Executives, and staff of Qualitech Public Company Limited and its affiliates would like to thank you to all shareholders and stakeholders for trusting and supporting the company continuously. The company would like to rest assure that it will manage with full capacity and conduct business under sensible and good corporate governance to continue making progress and grow sustainably.